The area surrounding the company was divided into plots of land that were diversified by name: (little curiosity: there was a well-established border called "the struggle of Turrisi" since there was the border between Baron Turrisi and Duke De Spucches.)

The restaurant area is locaed in the “chian u’ trappitazz” so called due to the presence of an oil mill around the 1950s and 1960s.

With the arrival of a new landowner, the oil mill was destroyed and the stone was recycled for the construction of a stable. River, sand and cement from the houses of Gliastro were transported by two donkeys, who worked day and night with the workers and the landowner, until the work was successful.

The farmhouse, around the 50s-60s, hosted 60 workers from Gioiosa Marea involved in the olive harvest of the area.

The "chian u’ piraniu" camper/tent area is named because of many pear trees.

On the spot there was an haystack, a sign of the world, that of the shepherds; it is a characteristic pile of straw stacked around a central pole to form a cone. The haystack struggled to survive in the mountains of the Madonite territory, it suggests to the visitor images of a not very distant past, now almost forgotten.

Not far beyond the camper/tent area “u chian a napiruddra” so called because, even today, there is a vast vegetation of napordi.

In the Marcatogliastro area there are some wild goats because ,around the 1960s, the territory of the Gole di Tiberio Agricamping was leased to a shepard from San Mauro Castelverde for grazing goats. Unfortunately or fortunately some of these goats escaped and from that moment they reproduced in captivity, but you can still find them in the area.